Hi, I'm Dr. Robert Pastore, the Chief Science Officer of Power ON / Power OFF. Thank you for your belief in us and giving us a chance, and for your purchase of Power OFF.
So you've receieved your Power OFF. I'm going to ask you to please read your instructions very carefully. You could see the video on our website, you should have received a card in your package that explains exactly how to take it, and you also, by now, definitely have received multiple emails that state these instructions as well.
Please remember to take Power OFF right before bed – brush your teeth, power down all your devices, kiss the husband, the baby, the dog, the cat, the birdie, whatever – take your one capsule of Power OFF and go right to sleep.
And that's right – I said one capsule. Why take just one? Everybody's neurochemistry is unique and different, and two might be too powerful. This is very cutting edge and safe technology, but I want to make sure you start with just one capsule. Plus, you could be like me – I only need one capsule – and that means I get a two-month supply in every bottle, so it's a great deal.
Remember that everybody's user experience varies, so I've had some people take their capsule right before bed their first night and say, oh my goodness, Dr. Pastore, I feel like I was being pulled gently into a sleep. That's fantastic. I've had other users say I didn't feel anything – that's fine too.
Remember our plan: stick with the program. Follow the instructions. Give us a full two weeks of your life and we're hoping that we will give you back a lifetime of quality sleep. Thank you.